Friday, December 16, 2011

US CPI - Mixed reading leads to some wiggle as US shows up and sells

Today December 16th at 8:30am EST (13:30 GMT) the CPI inflation figures for the USA were released.
This one hasn't had anything more than a +/-0.1 deviation in ages and in this environment of economic uncertainty inflation is not going to change the FOMC interest rates.

Here the figures:

US CPI m/m
Estimates: Median +0.1% Average +0.1% Range -0.1% to +0.4%
Actual: 0.0% Prior: -0.1%

US CPI Ex Food & Energy m/m
Estimates: Median +0.1% Average +0.1% Range 0.0% to +0.3%
Actual: +0.2% Prior: +0.1%

US CPI y/y
Estimates: Median +3.5% Average +3.5% Range +3.3% to +3.7%
Actual: +3.4% Prior: +3.5%

US CPI Ex Food & Energy y/y
Estimates: Median +2.1% Average +2.1% Range +2.0% to +2.3%
Actual: +2.2% Prior: +2.1%

Here some charts, first USDJPY 1 minute:

This is the EMini S&P 500, this is a spreadbet chart, so might be slightly different than the actual futures.

Also the CADJPy 1 minute chart since this has a good correlation to the Stock Indices:

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