Tuesday, December 20, 2011

German IFO - Higher but little initial reaction

This morning at 9am GMT or 4am EST the IFO figures were released from Germany

Here the figures:

German IFO Business Climate
Estimates: Media 106.0 expected, Average 106.0 , Range 105.0 to 107.3
Actual: 107.2 Prior: 106.6
German IFO Business Expectations
Estimates: Median 97.0 expected, Average 96.8 , Range 94.6 to 97.5
Actual: 98.4, 97.3 prior
German IFO Current Assessment m/m
Estimates: Median 116.0 expected, Average 116.0, Range 115.2 to 117.0
Actual: 116.7 Prior: 116.7

Here is the chart of the EURUSD 10 seconds:

and the EURUSD 1 minute chart:

A rally in the EURUSD and all the risky assets did start about 45 minutes after the release when the results of the Spanish Bond auction came out positive Click Here

The DAX had a much better initial reaction as seen here on the 1 minute chart (this is a spreadbet chart so might be slightly different than EUREX)

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